Love and Compassion

On Love and Compassion

This month at True Nature we are exploring love and compassion. Love is our inherent nature, compassion is love mixed with understanding. 

I offer two pathways to love and compassion, and without doubt there are others. The first path is bringing awareness to the burden we each carry. We each have challenges as  human beings born of past karma in this life and previous ones. Working with this karma helps us cultivate compassion for ourselves that quite naturally spreads to others as our hearts open. 

The other way to cultivate love and compassion is through being of service to others. We may not be able to solve all our problems or heal all our pains today but we can make a contribution to others and the world. There are few actions more meaningful or healing than helping another being—human, animal or plant. 

When we make the commitment to doing our inner work, while also making a regular contribution to others, we bring more love and compassion into the world. Let’s walk this path together. 

With love and compassion, 
Eaden Shantay
Founder/President TNHA Foundation