The Road Less Travelled

Dear True Nature Community, 

I was sitting with a 24-year-old at dinner last night and he shared he didn’t feel in alignment with many of his peers and the direction of society as a whole. We talked about diet and wellness, and the way global corporations and governments are exerting great influence over people. I was blown away by his level of consciousness, and thoughtfulness. He went on to share his concern about losing his way with all the influences that are present today. As I listened to him I felt hope and inspiration that a young person could speak their truth with such clarity and wisdom. 

From the Vedas, scriptures from India that date back more than 5,000 years, we are deep within the Kali Yuga cycle, a period of great dysfunction and immorality.

So what’s the solution? We can certainly try our best to change external reality but from the yogic perspective, we live in a dream world. The ancient scriptures don’t want us to change the dream we are personally and collectively having, they want us to wake up from it. 

How does one wake up from the dream—by going within. All that we seek: love, recognition, power, security, pleasure, virtue, and peace, all reside within. The great Buddhist mantra, OM MANI PADME HUM translates into the jewel is in the lotus. The lotus being our hearts and minds, the jewel, our essential nature as consciousness, existence, which is love. 

The psychiatrist M. Scott Peck wrote a beautiful book on personal discipline, love, and grace called The Road Less Travelled. He called it that because most people never take up this inner journey, choosing instead to remain hypnotized by the unending presentation of shiny objects fabricated within the collective waking dream. 

What does this inner journey look like? It’s different for each person but starts the same, with free-will choice. We have to choose the road less traveled if we want to create alignment, balance, and connection. This journey includes meeting and transcending every unresolved issue within us. There are no shortcuts. 

Each one of us is in the driver’s seat of our life. There’s no one to blame for our condition. We have the power to make incremental changes that, over time, will enhance our lives and those around us. That’s why we created True Nature so we can explore, connect and deepen. There is so much love, peace, and wholeness here right now within ourselves. It’s waiting for us to drop the drama of the waking dream, and be the reality we seek. 

“Whether you worship Christ, Krishna, Kali, or Allah, you actually worship the one Light that is also in you, since it pervades all things.”
~ Sri Anandamayi Ma

Blessings on your sacred journey within,

TNHA Foundation