August - Beginning of Fall

With August, we welcome the beginning of the Fall Season!

Fall is a natural time to begin something new—a project, career change, relationship or transition out of old patterns into new ways of being. 

We have a chakra (energy center) located within the head (the third eye), that supports us in seeing a vision of ourselves aligned with our highest potential. 

What if you gave yourself permission to listen to your inner-knowing, allowing something new and exciting to manifest in your life? 

To access this wisdom, begin by trusting what grabs your attention. Your higher self could be encouraging you through a friend’s recommendation, a challenge at work, a class, book or movie. Pay attention to synchronicities and events that occur repeatedly. When moments spark your interest, or you get a gut feeling, and you begin listening within, you access the wisdom of the third eye. 

Some ideas to support this process:

  • Sign up for a class or workshop that’s been calling you. 

  • Read a book or watch a movie that’s been recommended for you

  • Pick an area of the world that interests you and plan a trip. 

  • Volunteer for a cause you feel passionate about. 

  • Pick one day a week to do something spontaneous for you. 

This Fall pay attention to situations that peak your interest. Listen to the quiet voice within. Take a chance. The more you trust the energy around you and take action based upon your intuition, the more you will align with the path you were born to walk.

With Gratitude,
Deva Shantay
Co-Founder and Co-President of True Nature Healing Arts Foundation