The Higher Self

The Higher Self 

How does one connect with their higher self? Many believe they need a special mantra, breathing technique, teaching, or guru but is this true? Do we need something to embody our true state of being or is it simply a choice we need to make? 

Why don’t we live as the best and highest version of ourselves? What causes us to feel small and insecure? In order to connect with our higher self, we need to believe we are that. We need to reframe who we think we are. No amount of breathing, crystals or oils will create this change in understanding.

We all have karma that we are working through—past-life and early-life traumas we are exploring and healing. This is part of the human experience. We are on the journey of learning who we are. We didn’t just grow up knowing we are divine beings, the vast majority of us cannot even grasp the truth of this. It feels so far away - unattainable. 

I absolutely love to witness stories about people who overcome unbelievable hardships and go on to do something special. I believe we all have that ability. No one is spared pain and sorrow in this lifetime, but too few use that as fuel to reach their highest potential. 

So how do you connect with your higher self? Make the choice to do so. Decide that you can and welcome the opportunities to live as your best and highest self. Walk the streets knowing you are incredible, and knowing you are here to do and be something special. This is a shift that will affect every part of you—your posture and energy will uplift, your beauty will be enhanced and people will be attracted to you. This is the work of the 7th chakra. It is a knowing that floods you, a secret truth that has always lived within you, waiting for you to know and be you. 

Yes there are mantras, breathwork practices, teachings and teachers but nothing is more powerful than you choosing to know and be your magnificence. Know it and be it. Practice standing in this truth and see what unfolds. 

To learn more about the seven chakras (energy centers), and other aspects of yoga philosophy and conscious living, stay tuned for upcoming workshops, trainings and retreats. Our next offering will be a Conscious Living Retreat February 2024 on our property, Loma Sagrada in Costa Rica. Details below in the newsletter and on our website.

In Gratitude,
Deva Shantay
Co-Founder and Co-President
True Nature Healing Arts Foundation