Honoring Our Ancestors

A message from Co-Founder Eaden Shantay:

This month at True Nature we create space to honor our ancestors. We are here now because of our ancestors and the lives they led—the good, the bad and the ugly.

In my own family I have German, Polish and Russian relatives. I grew up in a family that practiced Judaism and going back several generations, there was a love for music, art and architecture.

There were also significant events that affected how my parents raised me. My great-grandfather on my mother’s side was an alcoholic who abandoned the family. His wife died early, leaving my mother’s mother orphened at eight years old. On my father’s side, there was mental illness and addiction. These challenges shaped me and my quest for knowledge, freedom and even the creation of Ture Nature.

How can we be grateful for the gifts and the challenges that were passed on to us through generations of ancestry?

The deepest traumas faced, in the present and past, hold within them the greatest potential for growth and the evolution of consciousness.

Let us grieve and pray for those negatively impacted by past and current events in our personal lineages. Let us learn from our and their mistakes. Let us honor our ancestors by doing everything in our power to live dharmic and moral lives and in doing so, we light the way for future generations.

With great love and affection for my ancestors and all they passed on to me.

Eaden Shantay

Co-Founder/Co-President of True Nature Healing Arts
A Foundation for Conscious Living