Manifesting Treasure

What do you value? What do you really want? If we look beneath the surface, of all our external pursuits, we all want the same three things: lasting happiness, knowledge/awareness and immortality. 

The problem with material pursuits, like a better job, car, house, or relationship, is that shortly after we get what we want, the desire for something new arises. 

Why is that? Why does a new desire arise while we are still holding the object of our desire? Because each new object or experience is not what we really want. It is only what we think we want because we think it will give us lasting happiness, immortality or awareness. 

Our mistake—we are often looking in the wrong direction, outside ourselves, when what we truly want is inside us, always. Pleasure does not come from getting the object or experiencing our desire, we actually feel pleasure, because in the desire-less state, we make contact with our TRUE SELF. 

Take simple moments throughout the day to connect with yourself—walk outside, close your eyes, take a breath, release all thought and just experience you. You are enough, you have always been enough. You are who and what you have been searching for. Release all seeking, relax and just be you. You, are a treasure. 

Join Deva and I throughout the year in Nosara, Costa Rica and Carbondale, USA for retreats on conscious living and weekly online at Spiritual Book Study.