
Dear True Nature Community,

I’m feeling grateful for the Crystal Jubilee that took place last week. Thank you to our rockstar staff, sponsors, presenters, and the community! The day-long celebration could not have been better. We fulfilled our mission of friend-making and creating sacred spaces for inspiration, connection, and self-discovery. A highlight for me was the morning talks on cultivating inner peace with spiritual leaders from the valley.

As we transition into autumn, this month’s topic is self-reflection. In the spring of our spiritual journey, we plant seeds of intention. Then in summer, we take action, manifesting our dreams. As we mature on the path of life we refine our process through self-reflection.

Self-reflection or self-inquiry is vital for awakening. How can we learn and grow without it? With most of the deeper emotional work behind us, we move into the more subtle mindscape of contemplation, asking questions like: Who am I and why am I here? While these stages aren’t always linear there is a progression.

Self-reflection provides fine tuning so we may walk in alignment with dharma and life purpose. A wonderful time to practice is just before sleep—considering the day we just completed and just after waking to set intentions for the coming day.

We can ask the questions: What do we really want in our heart-of-hearts and do our daily actions support that vision? Keep it simple and remember, we are spiritual beings having a human experience—every challenge we create is an opportunity for connection and growth.

Blessings on your sacred journey,

Eaden Shantay
Founder & Co-President
True Nature Healing Arts Foundation

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