The Harvest

The Harvest

Autumn is a time of harvest but also a time of change and transformation. In the grand yearly cycle, we self reflect in the quiet of winter, plant seeds of intention in the spring, water those seeds with daily actions in summer and in autumn, we reap the benefits of our work throughout the year. 

Autumn is also a time of change and transformation. From summer solstice on, the days have been growing shorter and on the 21st of September, in the northern hemisphere, we reach a balance point where light and dark are equal. Close to this special celestial time, on the 24th, True Nature is celebrating its 15th birthday and transition into a non-profit foundation, with a full day of festivities. 

As the leaves begin to change and fall, what are you ready to let go of that no longer serves? What aspects of your life no longer feel aligned with your purpose and highest self. 

If we want to grow and evolve, we need to self reflect on what matters in our personal lives and take action in service to those values. 

When we peel away the unimportant and discover the fruit of our life purpose and then live it, we are happiest and make the world a better place. 

Don’t wait, the world truly needs you to be you, fully, now! 

Blessings on your spiritual journey and thank you for being part of the True Nature experience. 

Eaden Shantay


True Nature Healing Arts Foundation 

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