
This month at True Nature we are focusing our intention on gratitude. Most of the world lives in a state of lack, grasping for more—more money, power, control, and attention—but what if the aforementioned were a grand distraction?

What if we already have everything we truly need and already are who we wish to be? What if our imperfections and the challenges we face are perfectly designed, so we can realize the truth of who we are and discover why we’re here?

I, like most of us, have hit significant bumps on the road but I wouldn’t change a thing because they have all led me to this moment. A moment within a life, within a stream of lives, for which I am deeply grateful.

I’m learning so much by meeting the challenges before me and saying yes to this body, this heart, this mind, and this spirit. I am not going to find what I am truly searching for by trying to be anyone other than me. The Great Spirit has given me the perfect vehicle to realize my potential and discover true peace, freedom, and love.

So as I write this I am filled with appreciation for life, learning, purpose, and the love of friendship and family.

Blessings on November, may the stars align, and may you find your true north.

Eaden Shantay
True Nature Healing Arts Foundation

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