Peace Garden November 2022

I personally would like to express my deepest gratitude for each of you who have visited the Peace Garden this season. Each footstep, every breath, the shared moments, the silent realizations - your interactions are what makes this garden what it is. Thank you. I bow my head in deep gratitude to each of you. 

This may be the most potent time of year! This month, I’d like to share a little bit more than the usual blip. Our seeds* (literal and metaphorical - *read: intentions, prayers, new habits) have sprouted, matured, and come to nourishing fruition for harvest. Over this past season, we have devoted our efforts to the health of our soil* (*foundations, practices, homes, communities, memories), and the nurturing and care of the seeds and plants. We have weeded out that which no longer serves. 

To me, the garden is a mirror for almost every aspect of our human life. There are countless lessons for our growth and personal evolutions which can be distilled from the garden. After the seasonal growth, there is a harvest offered - perhaps a new routine became a habit, or a lesson was solidified, and a wound - healed. One important teaching in regard to the harvest is to first ask permission, and then always express gratitude. 

As I work through each space of the Peace Garden, snipping away, I am fully focused on communication with the forces at hand. My reasonings for a harvest often don’t follow logic or schedules but are rather felt into. I ask, I feel, I listen, and sometimes I will make a move to harvest, and sometimes I move on, returning another day. The brief pause is important. And once the harvest has been made, I am in gratitude. Sometimes it is spoken, but often it is expressed through more than words. Gratitude provides the space for recognition and humble appreciation for all that is, all that has been, and all that may be. Seeing the garden as a mirror, I invite you to see the growth in your own life and give gratitude for the abundant harvest of lessons and healing.

As you find a moment in your day to wander through the gently slumbering tree beings, snoozing herbs and napping gnomes, I would also like to invite you to find your own unique expression of gratitude for the beauty, abundance, and magnificence of the Peace Garden this season! A simple nod, a small offering, a heartfelt lullaby. The garden hears your prayers and takes them deep into the earth as we all approach a much-needed time of rest. 

In gratitude, 



Keep your eyes peeled and your noses alert for some magical offerings from the harvest of the Peace Garden, soon to make their appearance in the Boutique!

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